MADAM BLUE: Charlie Buhler is Breaking Boundaries and Championing Representation in Filmmaking

In 2019, only 15.1% of directors of theatrical films were women and 14.4% of directors of theatrical films were people of color. Underrepresented groups are landing more roles on screen but being inclusive behind-the-scenes remains a challenge. Changing this narrative requires leveraging underrepresented groups and highlighting their abilities as storytellers. 

Charlie Buhler is an up-and-coming filmmaker and photographer from South Dakota. She’s a woman of color breaking barriers within the predominantly white space of filmmaking. Growing up in South Dakota, Buhler faced a dichotomy between the way she experienced the world and the way the world experienced her. 

In our conversation below, she takes us through starting a career in film, the importance of inclusivity on sets, releasing her first feature “Before the Fire,” her dream production, and more.


MEAWW: 'Before The Fire' director Charlie Buhler says 'structural change' needed to give women filmmakers more visibility


FRAMIE.IO: Before the Fire – A First Feature From Two Fearless Females